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I Am Nicole Kythas and I was born and raised in Raleigh, North Carolina, along with my older brother Peter, Mother Amalia, and father Leon Kythas. I am a junior at Heritage High School and will be graduating next year in the spring. After high school, I plan to go to a four-year college in North Carolina and hopefully study in architecture and design. I am currently in National Technical Honors Society, National Math Honors Society, and National Honors Society. Outside of school I am the treasurer of my churches GOYA (Greek Orthodox Youth of America) as well as a player in GOYA basketball team, which compete around the state. In GOYA, we take part in giving back to the community with food drives, raising money, and help at the men’s homeless shelter.  I also enjoy Greek dancing at my churches Greek Festival and competing at HDF (Hellenic Dance Festival). Many of these competitions take weeks for practice and can be very competitive when it comes to community rivalries. At each competition, each dance troupe must perform a suite (set of dances) from an area in Greece, which is then judged on costumes design, performance, authenticity, and foot work. Some of my favorite hobbies that I enjoy in my free time are painting and drawing. I have always enjoyed painting and drawing since I was little which sort of lead me into this path of design.  Just this past summer I had attended a camp for architecture at NC State where I learned many valuable information about what it is to be an architect. This camp allowed me to meet real life architects and their firms. The most interesting part of the whole experience was seeing how laid back the employees there were. I hope to learn more from this class throughout the semester.

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